
Our products are made of high-quality materials such as synthetic leather, aluminum, genuine leather and others. Despite comprehensive quality controls and tests, we unfortunately cannot guarantee that our products will never have a manufacturing defect. With our speed bracelets, we cannot rule out the possibility that material defects may occur in rare cases. If one of our products has such a defect, we provide the following manufacturer's guarantee under certain conditions in addition to the statutory warranty that the consumer is entitled to against the seller.

The company Speedbracelet (Leo Rink), Langgasse 26, 65183 Wiesbaden, Germany, grants the consumer a limited-time guarantee for the products it manufactures under the following conditions and to the extent described below. The manufacturer's guarantee granted applies without prejudice to mandatory statutory liability provisions, such as the Product Liability Act, in cases of intent and gross negligence due to injury to life, body or health by the company Leo Rink or its vicarious agents.

A consumer within the meaning of this manufacturer's guarantee is any natural person who is the owner of the product and has not purchased it in order to resell it privately or to sell it to third parties in the course of their commercial or independent professional activities.

Warranty scope

The guarantee conditions apply exclusively within the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union. The guarantee applies to all products purchased from April 12, 2021 (proof of purchase). Leo Rink guarantees that the Speedbracelets are free from material defects for 6 months. Product liability claims only exist in accordance with the statutory provisions. Within the scope of this guarantee, defects that can be proven to be due to a material defect will be remedied.

All products are guaranteed for 6 months from the date of purchase. If the product is defective when delivered and unworn, this must be reported to our customer support immediately after receipt of the goods, who will then arrange for a replacement delivery.

Products that are older than six months are generally excluded from the guarantee. We provide this guarantee by repairing any defects that are due to a material defect within the guarantee period free of charge. These defects are repaired by replacing the product, if necessary with a successor model or a color that differs from that in the original order.

Each product can only be returned once per order.

Duplicate entries in our complaint form relating to the same product of an order number cannot be processed, nor can duplicate entries if no relevant picture has been attached.

Speedbracelet (Leo Rink) reserves the right to make a refund or partial refund of the purchase price. The services described here are in addition to the statutory warranties and do not replace or limit them. This guarantee is voluntary and not legally binding and can be refused at any time without giving reasons.

Conditions excluded from the guarantee

  • Goodwill : There is no entitlement to a guarantee for gifts and goodwill services. A guarantee requires a purchase. The customer must have provided something in return.
  • Purchases from third parties : If you purchase Speedbracelet products from third parties, you are not entitled to the warranty.
  • Gifted products : Products given as a gift as part of one of our promotions are excluded from the guarantee.
  • Products purchased more than 6 months ago are generally excluded from the guarantee.

Replacement of a replacement product

A warranty claim on a replacement already received only exists if the "replacement for replacement" claim was made within six months of the date of purchase. The renewed claim can only be made if the customer has fewer individual pieces of the already replaced product as a result of the defect than he or she received with the original order (before the first complaint). In other words: We will only replace products again if you have fewer intact individual pieces as a result of the defect than you originally ordered.

Asserting the warranty claim

To claim the guarantee, customers must fill out this form. After receiving the form, customers will be informed about the further process of handling the complaint. In the event of a guarantee claim within Germany, you will be charged for the return shipment.

Assertion in the case of donation

In the case of gifts (Customer 1 buys from us, gives it to Customer 2, Customer 2 complains), the guarantee can only be claimed if Customer 2 has all of Customer 1's relevant purchase details (email, order number, name, shipping address). This information may not be changed, but should be used in the complaint as is.

Documentation requirement

A warranty claim only exists if the customer encloses clear photos with the application. In this context, clarity means the product, the color and the defect underlying the application can be clearly identified.